Dumpster permits: When it’s required and how to get one

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dumpster permit facts

What is a dumpster permit?

Depending on where the dumpster will need to be located for your project, you may need permission from the city or a homeowners’ association in the form of a permit. In most cases if the dumpster will be on your driveway or property, you will not need a permit for the dumpster. Some cities may require the dumpster to be out of public view, which would also require getting a permit.

When do you need a dumpster permit?

The main reason for needing a dumpster permit is if the dumpster will need to be placed on public property, although some cities and/or homeowners’ associations may require them if the dumpster will be in public view.

When a dumpster is Placed on Public Property

Depending on the project and the size of the dumpster, it may be necessary to put the dumpster fully or partially on public property and it will require a permit. A basic question to ask yourself is if the dumpster will block or hinder public traffic, either by vehicle or on foot.

Street Placement
If your project requires that the dumpster be placed in the street, you will likely need a permit to have a dumpster placed there.

Sidewalk Placement
If your project requires that the dumpster cut across a sidewalk or be fully placed on a sidewalk, you will need a permit.

City Buildings or Parking Lots
To place a dumpster on city property such as a building or a parking lot, you will need a permit to do so.

If you are a part of a homeowners’ association

Even if your city doesn’t require a permit to place a dumpster, a homeowners’ association may want a dumpster permit.

Check with your neighbors
Contact your homeowner’s association first. Your homeowners’ association will know if you need a permit to have a dumpster for both the city and the association.

How to Get a Dumpster Permit?

Find Out if Your City Requires a Permit

Many cities require a permit for dumpsters if they need to be placed on public property. Usually, it is your city’s public works department that will know if you need a dumpster permit and be able to issue it, so that’s a great place to start. Not obtaining the proper permit if needed can lead to fines, and in some cases even impounding of the dumpster.

TURP Permits

Some states may require a TURP permit, or Temporary Use of Right of Way Permit to place a dumpster on the street. Your city office should also know if this will be a required permit to place your dumpster as well. Cities like Austin, Texas, provide instructions on how to obtain that Right of Way Permit.

Contact Homeowners’ Association

If your neighborhood has a Homeowners’ Association, you will want to check the by-laws to see if any special permits or permission is required from the HOA. Keep in mind you may need to get approval at a meeting, so plan in advance if you are able before getting your dumpster permit.

Clarify Date and Time

EIf you have gotten a permit for a dumpster, double check that the date and time of delivery are within the time of the permit. Let the company delivering the dumpster know what dates and times the permit is good for.

Contact Public Works or Transportation Department

If your roll-off dumpster needs to be placed in a public right of way, contact the city’s Public Works Department or Transportation Department. They will be able to tell you if you need a permit and how to obtain one. Each city may have different turnaround times for permits, so make sure to find out in advance what is required. When you are calling or visiting these departments it may prove helpful to have the following information handy: the amount of time the dumpster will be needed, the address and location of where you want to put the dumpster, and the information for the dumpster rental company you are using and the size of the dumpster you are ordering.

How Much does a Dumpster Permit Cost?

Each city has their own costs for dumpster permits, and they can range from $10-$100 depending on the city’s rate and how long you need the permit to be active.

Show Proof of Permit to Dumpster Service

Once you have a permit to place a dumpster, make sure to show it to the dumpster rental company. The city may require that the permit be posted either in the area or directly on the dumpster itself during the time the dumpster is being used.

Choose a roll-off dumpster

Before getting a dumpster permit for placement in the public right of way, choose the size of roll-off dumpster. We can help you determine what roll-off dumpster is best for your project based on the type of project you are working on.

Lay down plywood if possible

Plywood or other boards will help keep the ground protected from the movement and weight of the dumpster when it is delivered, whether it is going on your own driveway or on the street or a sidewalk. Some providers use specially designed protection pads that fit under each roller on the roll-off dumpster to help protect the surface you are placing the roll-off on.

Dumpster placement in street or parking lot

  • Do not place a roll-off dumpster on fresh asphalt, as the dumpster could leave damage on the softer asphalt.
  • Dumpsters that must be placed in the street should be against the curb to allow for traffic.
  • You may not block stop signs, driveways, or fire hydrants with your dumpster.
  • Dumpsters should be placed at least 20 feet away from intersections.

What if I damage public property?

Check your dumpster rental contract to see what is and is not covered by the insurance of the dumpster rental company. If the damage is not covered by their insurance, you may be required to pay for those repairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to coordinate with local businesses or area stakeholders?
Your city’s Public Works Department will be able to tell you if it is necessary to let others know about the dumpster placement when you apply for the permit. To keep your project on track, you may find it helpful to discuss with those around the area beforehand.

How long is a dumpster permit valid?
Your city’s Public Works Department will be able to tell you if it is necessary to let others know about the dumpster placement when you apply for the permit. To keep your project on track, you may find it helpful to discuss with those around the area beforehand.

What is the penalty for not having a dumpster permit?
If you have a dumpster placed in an area that requires a permit but you do not obtain a permit, you may be fined or face a ticket. Fines vary by city. Not paying those fines could lead to jail time. Also the city may impound the dumpster, and you would need to pay to have it released.


Your greatest resource to determine if you need a permit for the roll-off dumpster you would like to place is your city’s Public Works Department or Transportation Department. In most places, a permit is required if the dumpster must be placed in the public right of way, such as on the street or over a sidewalk.

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