8 Things That Should Never Go in a Dumpster

People all over are feeling the itch to clear out their garages and homes. Renting a dumpster from redbox+ Dumpsters of North Boston is a convenient way to dispose of large amounts of trash8 T, but it’s important to be aware of what can and cannot be placed in a dumpster. To ensure you stay within the rules and regulations, here are eight items you should never put in a dumpster, along with proper disposal methods:

  1. Flammable, Toxic, Hazardous, or Corrosive Materials: It is strictly prohibited to place any waste items that fall under these categories into a dumpster. Such materials pose a threat to both human health and the environment. Check with your local dumpster rental company for guidelines on how to properly dispose of these items.
  2. Tires: Despite the fact that approximately 250 million scrap tires are generated each year, they should never be sent to landfills in the United States due to environmental concerns. Look for local tire recycling facilities that can handle proper disposal and recycling of tires.
  3. Paints, Lacquers, and Cans: Paints and their containers often contain hazardous chemicals like mercury and lead. While latex paint may be an exception in some cases, it generally needs to be mixed with an absorbent material like cat litter before disposing of it in a garbage can. Stains, paints, and finishes, including aerosol cans, are also not allowed in dumpsters.
  4. Used Oil: Oil from automobiles or industrial equipment is typically classified as hazardous waste and should not be disposed of in regular garbage cans or dumpsters. This includes oil from home equipment such as lawn mowers or chain saws. Look for recycling centers or designated collection points that accept used oil for proper disposal.
  5. Asbestos: Found in buildings constructed before the late 1970s, asbestos was commonly used in ceilings, roofs, flooring, insulation, and more. However, it has been found to be highly dangerous and can lead to lung diseases. Due to the hazardous nature of asbestos, professional home contractors should be contacted for safe removal.
  6. Batteries: All types of batteries should be kept out of dumpsters, with car batteries being a common violation. Batteries contain chemicals, metals, and corrosive materials that can be harmful. Consider recycling batteries at designated drop-off points or participating in battery recycling programs.
  7. Petroleum and Gasoline: Highly combustible substances like petroleum and gasoline are not allowed in landfills or dumpsters. Unused fuels can be disposed of at local hazardous waste facilities. Ensure safe handling and disposal to prevent accidents and environmental damage.
  8. Appliances with Freon: While many appliances can be placed in rental dumpsters, refrigerators and other appliances containing Freon need special handling. The Freon, which produces the cooling effect, must be professionally removed before disposal. Consider donating these appliances to organizations like Habitat for Humanity Re-Store, where they can be recycled or repurposed for low-income populations.

By adhering to dumpster disposal regulations and guidelines, you not only protect garbage collectors and avoid potential problems when returning the dumpster, but you also contribute to environmental responsibility. Let’s all do our part to protect the environment!

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