How to Choose a Dumpster Rental Company?

Have you been looking for a dumpster rental company in your area and are not sure which one is right for you? You’ve probably seen the giant metal dumpsters parked in driveways or at construction sites, but have you ever picked up on the name or phone number attached to these dumpsters? That’s okay, this post will help you determine what kind of dumpster rental company you should go through to get your dumpster rental!

The Cheapest isn’t Always the Best

It may seem like going with the cheapest dumpster is the best option because after all it’s just a big metal box to throw stuff in, right? Well, not completely. You need to take all things into consideration such as customer service, availability, reliability, and even hidden costs. The cheapest option usually will not be the best option if they aren’t available when you need them or reliable when you need the dumpster picked up, for example.

Local vs National

There are probably many dumpster rental companies in your area to choose from, but not all of them are actually local to your area. Some dumpster rental companies are massive national firms that employ subcontractors to actually handle the dumpster service. Using a large national firm means that you won’t know or have a say in who shows up for your project and if they are truly reliable. Instead, make sure to choose a truly local option that is owned and operated in your local area.

Careless Delivery

Something to also consider is how careless a dumpster company is. Where the dumpster goes might not seem too important, but if they place the dumpster that blocks your parking, is over your property line, or is otherwise in an inconvenient spot it can cause you some headaches. Plus, a careless dropoff or pickup can tear up your asphalt or landscaping. Be sure to read reviews and look for a company known for its attention to detail and customer service.

Consider the Timeline

The timeline of dumpster delivery and pickup is something else to consider. When a dumpster rental company delivers or collects a dumpster later than scheduled can cause you trouble with waste management during your project. This can be stressful for you especially if you are dealing with strict deadlines, like moving in or out of a property.

Check Reputation

When judging a company based on its reviews and the ease of communication you should also investigate how many repeat customers the business has. This will be an indicator of how great the dumpster rental service is.

Bottom Line

At redbox+ Dumpsters, we are the full package, that’s the reason why redbox+ is growing in regions all around the country, including our local area of Memphis. If you need a reliable dumpster rental in Memphis, TN, give us a call today at (901) 463-2733!

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